The Executive Branch comprises of the Top Management (Secretary, three Deputy Secretaries), Internal Audit (IA), the Legal Office and National Agriculture Council (NAC). The primary function of the Top Management is to provide policy advice to the Minister’s office. It is also responsible for ensuring that the department operates functionally within budgeted resources.
1.1 Internal Audits
Internal Audit Unit is an independent section under the Top Management Division, providing independent appraisal of the various operations and systems of control within the Department to determine whether acceptable policies and procedures are adhered to.
1.2 National Agriculture Council (NAC)
The National Agriculture Council (NAC) Secretariat is a unit within the Executive Branch of the Department. NAC is a Consultative Body empowered to advise and assist the National and Provincial Governments in making decisions relating to agricultural development in Papua New Guinea. The unit comprises of three major functions. The National Agriculture Council, Ministerial Services and the Commodities.
NAC and the National Agricultural Advisory Committee (NAAC) were recognised by the National Executive Council (NEC) as being an integral part of the Government organization on the 9th March, 1983, (NEC Decision No: 30/83). The establishment of NAC as an Apex Body was to provide a concerted voice for the entire Agriculture sector in addressing concerns by all stakeholders.
The NAC Council comprises of all Chairpersons responsible for Agriculture and Livestock Divisions or the Economic Sectors in their respective provinces. The NAC Conference/Meeting is held annually.
- Coordinate and Manage the activities of the National Agricultural Council,
- Facilitate and Coordinate Council Meetings as and when required and the Annual Conference at the end of each year,
- Coordinate and facilitate the resolutions from the Conference and distribute them to respective council members, provinces and stakeholders,
- Plan and prepare annual work programme and budgetary requirement for the Unit,
- Provide administrative and management support to the Ministry, NAC and the Department,
- Facilitate Ministerial and NEC submissions, including parliamentary matters,
- Provide liaison and linkages with key divisions/sections of the Department, as well as other Key government agencies in servicing the activities of the Unit.
- Provide protocol services to the Minister and the Department
1.3 Legal Office
The role and function of the Legal Office is to assist DAL and sector agencies achieve its corporate and divisional objectives through effective and reliable legal services.