
DAL PISS – Islands Region

The New Guinea Islands Regional Directorate of the Department of Agriculture and Livestock’s (DAL) Provincial and Industrial Support Services (PISS) is administered out of Kokopo in the East New Britain Province. The PISS concept evolved following an approval of the National Agriculture Council meeting held in Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province in 1998, which consequently saw the creation of regional PISS offices in a new look DAL structure approved by the Department of Personnel Management in 1999.

The Islands Directorate covers the East New Britain, West New Britain, Manus and New Ireland provinces and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. Other sister regional directorates are located in Lae for Momase, Goroka for Highlands and Port Moresby for the Southern region.

The aim of these regional offices is to establish linkages with stakeholders in the provinces and industry corporation and provide support for the delivery of goods and services coupled with infrastructure development through integrated planning and decision making.



Our vision is to achieve excellent liaison with provinces, districts and stakeholders; and as a centre of excellence in facilitating support services to agricultural policy, management, and as a key partner with provinces to promote food security.



Our mission is to enhance performances, and support the development of provincial agricultural systems.  To achieve this, PISS provides support services in the areas of policy, technical and organisational management; in collaboration with provincial authorities and stakeholders.


Guiding Values

PISS relationship and mode of operation are guided by values of transparency, respect, learning and understanding of the District and Local Level Government systems, capacity needs, and commitment to assist and support, as enhanced by the “Reforms”.


Strategic Objectives

PISS will work in partnership with Provincial, Districts, Local Level Governments and other stakeholders, within their own capacity development plans.


  1. PISS will optimize uses of outputs that satisfy provincial, departmental and national goals. PISS will integrate effectiveness and efficiency in its endeavour, in fulfilling its regional objectives.
  2. PISS will adopt a system- building approach to help provinces develop their capacity within the framework of policy, organization and management.
  3. PISS will seek to strengthen its operation in the Islands Region, by building on provisions of quality services by staff, intensifying its involvement and interactions with provincial, district and local level governments through liaison, collaboration and participatory exercises.


How PISS can help

PISS will assist provinces, districts, and industries in the region, to improve the performance of agricultural development systems and organizations. PISS is mindful of its roles and responsibilities, as determine by the Organic Law on Provincial Government and Local-Level Government requirements. It will implement its support roles through collaboration, participatory services, and coordination; to facilitate policy development and capacity enhancement at the different government levels.

Support services will be delivered through seven institutional and technical support components, including Crops, Land Use, Livestock, Marketing, Project Preparation, Planning and Development, Information and Extension. Service roles will be provided in the form of technical advice, coordination, and through the facilitation of workshops, meetings and training programmes.

Should provinces feel that it is necessary to enter into special arrangements, to facilitate some of these support functions, such arrangements can be collaboratively formulated.



  • Provide quality advice and technical support to the provinces and industry so as to further develop and expand agriculture base,
  • Establish an efficient linkage mechanism through joint program and partnership with provinces and industry corporations, and
  • Act as a bridge between research, extension, industry and DAL.


Major Functions

The major functions of the PISS division are to provide technical support and delivery services to rural farmers in each region in the following areas.

  • Management and coordination
  • Food crops
  • Land Use Management
  • Livestock
  • Project Preparation
  • Planning and Economics
  • Extension and Information



PISS-Islands regional office once again has been closely working with partner organisations in getting very important work in the region such as monitoring and compliance, project auditing or evaluation of integrated development projects in the region, project proposals, land use planning and mapping using latest technologies, and project advisory visits.

The DAL Islands Regional Office has also attended workshops, seminars, conferences and meetings with different stakeholders all throughout the first half of 2018. The office is heavily involved with REDD+ and the Climate Change Development Authority. A Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) project is supporting PNG’s REDD+ Readiness efforts, in line with PNG Government’s national objectives including building a carbon neutral pathway by 2050 as per the government’s obligation under Vision 2050, Pillar 5, on Environment Sustainability and Climate Change.


Major Initiatives

Below are some of the impact agricultural projects in the New Guinea Islands region

National Projects

  • Seed policy

            IAEA PROJECT

  • Genetic Characterization of Cattle with Improved Feeding Project- Papua New Guinea University of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Sterile Insect Technique-Cocoa Pod Borer – Papua New Guinea Cocoa Board
  • Land audit exercise


Manus Province

  • Pobuma rubber project


New Ireland Province

Namatanai District

  • Danfu extension integrated agriculture development project
  • Kambanut/Tampakar cocoa development

Kavieng District

  • Central New Hanover Rubber Integrated Project
  • Cocoa & Galip Integrated Project (Bulu-Lokon Village)


Bougainville (ABG)

  • Plantation rehabilitation in districts


West New Britain Province

Talasea District

  • Lolobau cocoa/coconut integrated development project


East New Britain Province

Pomio District

  • Suikol intergrated agriculture development project- coffee, cocoa, oil palm. galip nut
  • Pomio- cocoa project
  • Pomio- Moive Kelvoire integrated rubber project


Gazelle District

  • Toriu head waters integrated cocoa development project
  • Open Bay /makolkol cocoa and coffee development project
  • Toriu potato/ vegetable project
  • Taulil cocoa development project
  • Pondo cattle project
  • Baining –cattle project


Kokopo District

  • Plantations rehabilitation
  • Clan vetting


Rabaul District

  • Commercial poultry



The Acting Director

Islands Regional Office

P O Box 2139


East New Britain Province

Phone:          (675) 982 9354

Fax/Phone:   (675) 982 9354