The Food Security Branch was established in response to a National Government policy direction (of May 2000) to function as the National Food Security Secretariat to direct, co-ordinate, facilitate and monitor the implementation of the National Food Security Policy (NFSP) 2000 – 2010.
The NFSP comprises 14 sub-programs, covering a wide range of issues such as food production to accessibility; nutrition; processing; marketing; networking; sustainable use of natural resources; and gender participation. The policy proposed for the implementation of 14 sub-programs that include food crop production; livestock, fish, apiculture production; agro-forestry; downstream processing, irrigation; machinery and farm inputs; and extension support.
The National Food Security Program is also supported and complimented by food security programs and projects initiated by donor-funded bilateral/multilateral projects, which are jointly implemented by DAL and these agencies. Some of the key agencies that have been partnering DAL to jointly implement food security activities are FAO, JICA, EU, PRC China and ROC Taiwan
FSB carried out its mandated function in collaboration with Provincial and District authorities; national government departments; statutory organizations, private sector, NGOs and international organizations.
National Food Security Program
The ultimate goal of the National Food Security Program is to ensure that all people of PNG at all times have access to safe and nutritious food in adequate quality and quantity to maintain a healthy and active life. Food security has four important dimensions, namely availability, access, stability, and utilization.
There are six major objectives or sub-goals in achieving the above goal:
- To increase food production and improve access to food at the household level;
- To improve the nutritional status and standard of living of the people of PNG;
- To improve production, downstream processing, marketing and utilization of food.
- To strengthen formal and informal networks to ensure a focused effort in the achievement of the National Food Security Policy;
- To ensure the integrated management and sustainable use of land, water, fisheries and forest and genetic resources;
- To ensure the maximum participation of women in all aspects of agricultural development
These objectives are inter-related and complementary in achieving the main goal. It is proposed to implement 14 sub-programs in support of National Food Security. Due to their diverse nature, and the variable impact on the main program, resource and manpower constraints the sub-programs are implemented in stages, depending primarily on resource availability.