The National Agriculture Sector Plan (NASP) 2024-2033 is Papua New Guinea’s overarching agriculture plan for the next 10 years, focusing on downstream processing and enterprising, and contributing to the Government’s target of K200 billion economic milestone and the creation of one-million jobs by 2030. Under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture and Livestock, the plan envisages the Marape-Rosso Government’s vision to transform the sector from subsistence agriculture to commercial enterprising for economic growth and prosperity of the country and its people whereby the sector is expected to contribute K30 billion by 2030. This will be guided by the NASP Implementation Plan 2024-2033. Click on the images for direct access and download.

The NASP provides the agriculture sector with a road map and direction to work together with PNG’s Provincial Governments, District Development Administrations, Local-Level Governments, development partners, the private sector, investors and farmers for the next decade, as a united body by sharing information, data, skills and land resources for the greater outcome for our people and our country.
In essence, the NASP is a 10-year stimulus package for commercialisation, downstream processing and value adding of crops and livestock products that will increase economic value and high return into the economy. It has identified some selected commodities with larger volume advantage to be immediately supported for production and downstream processing through PPP business arrangement between Provincial Government and Investor on 60/40 shareholding, majority shares to the Provincial Government. The plan will support development of large-scale commercial crop and livestock production of an agriculture and livestock commodity of strength and comparative advantage in each province to build volume as well as supporting value chain development for selected commodities toward commercialization. The NASP has thoroughly captured the Government of Marape-Rosso’s vision, goal and priorities in the domestic production and downstream processing for the agriculture sector.
The NASP was launched by Prime Minister Hon James Marape on 11 June 2024 in Port Moresby, witnessed by Agriculture Minister Hon John Boito, sector and state ministers, Governor of National Capital District Hon Powes Pakop, other Members of Parliament, public servants, development partners and other stakeholders including farmers.