Secretary’s Message

WELCOME to the official website of Papua New Guinea’s Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL).

As Secretary of the Department, it is indeed a privilege to lead a team of professionals who have been tasked to completely transform the agriculture sector into a robust, commercial and fully functional and an integral part of the economic development prospects of our resource-endowed country. 

This deliberate and inevitable transformation policy has already commenced with the successful completion and launching of Papua New Guinea’s National Agriculture Sector Plan 2024-2033 (NASP) on June 11, 2024; which is the country’s most comprehensive agronomic development strategy ever. 

The NASP provides the direction and clear roadmap for the development of agriculture in PNG in total alignment with the Government’s Medium Term Development Plan IV 2023-2027 (MTDP IV). The copies of the NASP 2024-2033 and Medium Term Development Plan IV 2023-2027 (MTDP IV) and other government’s strategic plans are also available for you to download. 

Under the Marape Government’s economic policy initiatives, the agriculture sector, as the second largest underwriter to GDP, is required to contribute K30 billion to the nation’s coffers and one million jobs within the period to achieve the K200 billion national economic target by 2030.

It will not be an easy task because of the complexities associated with agriculture in a fast-changing modern socioeconomic industry but we are totally focused on determining and implementing the right way forward for the country and its people. This communication platform will serve all government agencies, private sector, investors, farmers and individuals seeking information on how to invest or do business with us.

On this platform we will showcase, create awareness, inform, educate, interact and update you on unfolding advances, key developments, priority projects, research and greater achievements among others that impact upon the lives of the majority of the population who are mainly rural-based. Of equal priority we will also feature Papua New Guinea’s advances into the modern world of agriculture in collaboration with our development partners, investors, manufacturers, donors, climate change associates, innovative industries and programs.

Information is powerful, innovative, educational and essential for all our stakeholders in arming themselves with the knowledge required to prosper and move forward to embrace and flourish from the many changes and challenges associated with a modern economy.

Thank you indeed for your interest in the DAL and the Agriculture Sector as a whole. I am confident that together, we can make a difference in serving the lives of the people of Papua New Guinea.

Dr. Sergie Bang, PhD